I woke up this morning feeling extremely overwhelmed by the things around me . I look through the window and saw that tree which was looking dull yesterday is now growing with new leaves and wings . I see the birds were again coming home from the long journey to feed their child and to live . Every day these birds struggle to go from one destination to another just for the sake of pinch of food to survive . The tree they are living in is more powerful than those birds . That tree never say either its sun , its rain , its cold or its dust . It never utter anything but live with it . But it never forgets to grow . It never forgets its own nature to be like a tree . That is where we lack . We are so affected by the things around us that we forget ourself to like who we are . People will come . People will gossip . People would be jealous . People will try to make you feel down . People will question you . People will make you feel bad . People will be obstacles around . people are like seasons . Some will pull you down , some will make you feel bad , some will make you shattered, some will use you and some will help you grow . But its you that how to deal with just like that tree deals with every season .
Here is my own journey to meditation. Dear all, Meditation is a practice where an individual uses a technique – such as mindfulness, or focusing the mind on a particular object, thought, or activity – to train attention and awareness, and achieve a mentally clear and emotionally calm and stable state. Meditation is journey to know who you are and to get clarity over everything in life. It is way of living in present , making your life more meaningful and less stressful. Meditation is more than what you can think. It will take you to mental, emotional, social and spritual growth. Meditation simply teaches you about calmness, peacefulness and blissfulness inside you. Before entering in meditation , i used to think it was like giving therapy to a person who is stressed, depressed and addicted to something. It is use for all these things but later on i came to know that it is more than that. I was student studying commerce in management college, during that time i came to know a gu...
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