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My social media experience and How to get over social media addiction? Truth about social media.

Truth about social media. How i get over it? Dear all, I m just here to share my experiences. I am just normal student as many of you are. I used to spend lots of hours on social media scrolling the pages and all. My experience when i first time started using social it was addictive, i will be liking all the post on face book, following everything on Instagram, uploading photos, spending time watching random youtube videos. But later on i started feeling like i don't have same kind of joy, happiness and spirit that i used to have like before i use social media. I was not able to concentrate on my studies, i was becoming really a short tempered, everything annoys me, i used to believe all of those social media quotes and all, i used to believe on everything posted on social media sharing all of post with friends, i was feeling like I was becoming something i really wasn't.....there was one thing always playing on my mind that 'this is not me ' . Then one

Success quotes/life quotes


Life quotes/motivation/Time

plan before other wake up.

Life quotes/ motivation/time

time flies away

Love yourself first

Dear all, We'd faced lot of problems in our life, we are disturbed inside of ourselves being unworthy and not well enough. Judging and comparing others just to supress our insecurities in this zone of comparison. We are lost being more beautiful, more attractive, more better than others . We are just lost in this more zone that we forget of being ourself. We have lots of time to judge other, to point their flaws and mistakes, and we forget our own flaws and our self judgement. We are so focused on being like others, like celebrities, like that friend next to us , like that person we have made ideal in our mind. But we never ever try to be who we actually are and what we can be , underestimating our own potential, stopping ourself to be the best person we wanted to be. So dear all people, It is okay even if we are not perfect have lots of flaws we can embrace it make it our own unique identity.....we can be a better person the day we stop judging others and start judging ourself